Can endometriosis be cured / treated / remedied naturally?

Can endometriosis be cured / treated / remedied naturally?

Is there a way to treat endometriosis naturally? Absolutely. Can you cure endometriosis without drugs and surgery? Well that really comes down to you, to your efforts, consistency, and faith. Personally, I believe so.

What do we need to understand about a chronic disease to be initiated into the journey of healing? There’s a few things. First off, a chronic disease has taken time to manifest into physical reality. There is no, nor should there be, any quick fix. A ‘quick’ fix doesn’t really suit how the disease came to be, and from experience these ‘quick’ fixes like surgery, only aggravate things. And don’t even get me started on hysterectomies, that’s basically the medical institution saying – well, I don’t know, so let’s remove a fundamental organ. And I am so sorry for all women who have been told to have a hysterectomy, I myself included. My heart goes out to those who did, I feel for you.

If you have endometriosis, and have had surgery for its removal (be it excision or ablation) AND no longer suffer symptoms of Endometriosis AND you did not make any significant lifestyle or dietary changes in conjunction with the surgery, please hit me up! I believe you’re an enigma and I would like to study you.

There’s a plethora of things we can do to treat endometriosis without surgery, and without pharmaceuticals  (with their ever expansive list of side effects).

How do we do this?

Have a chat with yourself. Take ownership of this disease, but do not subscribe to its labelling. We, as human beings, are so much more than our labels. It’s a trap to fall victim to any external label or identity.

Endometriosis is but a diagnosis, and through learning about the pathology – the development and behaviour of a disease/condition – we can remedy aspects and symptoms of it. And keep doing so until we have reduced the discomfort and unpleasantness. It’s a journey, and I am here to guide you.

Endo Entrained products and programmes are designed specifically with the womb-man whom suffers from endometriosis in mind. However, as we begin to learn about endometriosis, we see how fascinating the disease process truly is. And how it parallels behaviours from so many other conditions, all in one. From the perspective of an autoimmune condition1, a condition with cancer like behaviours2, a condition that is characterized by a disruption of hormonal balance3 and a condition that encompasses all menstrual and womb/uterine related pathologies4…the similarities do go on. So, for this reason, all products, and select programmes by Endo Entrained, dually support gynaecological and general health and wellbeing, particularly those seeking to remedy acute and chronic inflammation.

Have you searched, how to cure endometriosis naturally, or, how to treat endometriosis without drugs or pharmaceuticals? And now you’re like, cool, so what do I do?

Have a look at my products, programmes, and videos series. When the first programme is available, I will hyperlink it here. Within products and programmes, you will find what you seek. But first off, identify your pathology and do not identify yourself with it. You have endo, but it is not you. You are not your disease.


  1. Several lines of research affirm endometriosis shares so many characteristics with autoimmune diseases, e.g. fibromyalgia, that is ought to be classified as one.
  2. The endometrial lesions are invasive and lack a programmed cell death, which is a quality of cancer. Wherein there are mutations that don’t seem to understand the command of the body to, essentially, fuckoff die and not invade into spaces they don’t belong.
  3. Endometriosis is characterized as a disease that is oestrogen dependent and progesterone resistant; the balance is off on our hormones and this feature is shared with many gynaecological conditions e.g. polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).
  4. Menstrual discomfort, dysmenorrhea (painful period cramping), adenomyosis, fibroids. Endometriosis has features of all. There are further lines of evidence that substantiate endometriosis and leiomyomas are the same spectrum of disease with adenomyosis acting as the missing link. Adenomyosis is essentially endometriosis within the uterine muscle



Greenbaum, H., Weil, C., Chodick, G., Shalev, V. and Eisenberg, V.H., 2019. Evidence for an association between endometriosis, fibromyalgia, and autoimmune diseases. American journal of reproductive immunology81(4), p.e13095.

Matarese, G., De Placido, G., Nikas, Y. and Alviggi, C., 2003. Pathogenesis of endometriosis: natural immunity dysfunction or autoimmune disease?. Trends in molecular medicine9(5), pp.223-228.

Nezhat, C., Nezhat, F. and Nezhat, C.H., 2020. Endometriosis: ancient disease, ancient treatments (pp. 13-127). Springer International Publishing.

Swiersz, L.M., 2002. Role of endometriosis in cancer and tumor development. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences955(1), pp.281-292.

Wilbur, M.A., Shih, I.M., Segars, J.H. and Fader, A.N., 2017, January. Cancer implications for patients with endometriosis. In Seminars in reproductive medicine (Vol. 35, No. 01, pp. 110-116). Thieme Medical Publishers.




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